Sunday was a wonderful day. Pepper will grow to love the Down Syndrome Awareness 'Buddy Walk' more with every year. She didn't know what to think about being outside all day. Her beautiful bright eyes spent most of their time squinted -even in the shade. Perhaps next year she'll be big enough for sunglasses! Red was sprayed down with sunscreen. We learned the hard way to always use it on his head, too (he usually refuses a hat). He was slick from head to toe but had a good time at all of the free activities. There was a small car show that included some of the coolest shriner-size cars I've ever seen. There were at least 10 carnival style games with prizes and 7 or 8 inflatables for kiddos to jump/climb on. The very talented band played feel good music all day long and covered lots of popular songs from several eras and even different genres! There were ponies to ride and live reptiles to see (eeew). And a huge court for people to draw with sidewalk chalk and blow bubbles. I was told there were McDonalds Happy Meals for everyone, too. All of these wonderful activities were donated by local business owners and large companies.
Volunteers were everywhere. Cheerleaders and mascots from local high schools, colleges, and even a WNBA team! These people each know and love a person with Down Syndrome.
When the time came to walk, there were so many participants that the first people on the track had to step off before making the entire lap because the end of the group overlapped the finish line!
We saw a few adults with DS walking around. They looked so capable and independant. One in particular appeared to be in his thirties. He was walking toward us as we were entering the park. He was clean cut and dressed like he came straight from church services. I wish I would have had the nerve to speak to him! He was on a mission-looking for someone at the gate. We saw several children with DS running around. Each one looked different and the same- no matter their age or race.
Everyone there was happy. Really happy! Especially the people with DS-they were rockstars for a day! I would encourage anyone who has the opportunity to go take part in your local 'Buddy Walk' and learn how to support and enourage families like ours.
Nicki Scott
I am so glad you enjoyed the day. I really wanted to join you guys, but we had another commitment and I didn't realize they overlapped. Maybe next year! It seemed like such a wonderful event! Much love to you and your precious family!